Why St Peter
St. Peter Lutheran Church and School are part of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and offer many wonderful features that make us a special community. Here are just a few highlights:
- Fully accredited school since 1978
- All teachers are state-certified, with many holding master’s Degrees
- Curriculum that exceeds state standards
- Spanish instruction in every grade, from Kindergarten through 8th grade
- Student test scores consistently average in the upper 83rd percentile
- Enrichment programs to support student growth
- Full-time Resource Teacher providing additional academic support
- Comprehensive Computer Technology curriculum for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade
- Use of iPads and Chromebooks for enhanced learning
- Interscholastic athletic programs, including Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, and Track & Field
- Band Program
- Music Program, including choirs and music classes for grades K-8
- Activities for all students to engage and explore their interests
- Before and after school care available for all enrolled students
- Various scouting units offered
- Summer Daze program (June through August), open to the community for children ages 3-12
- A Christian-based education that supports children through their childhood years and beyond, shaping them as adults
SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT: St. Peter Lutheran School exists to connect children and their families to their Savior Jesus Christ. We are passionately dedicated to the pursuit of educational excellence, taught in a Christ-centered, enriching environment, which enables students to grow in faith, knowledge and to demonstrate their love for Jesus and others.
SCHOOL MINISTRY TEAM - The mission of St. Peter Lutheran School Ministry Team is to guide and support the administration and staff of St. Peter Lutheran School to provide a Christ centered education with high academic standards that will develop the whole child to become a contributing Christian citizen in God’s world. St. Peter Lutheran School’s Ministry Team is made up of a diverse group of parents that have children in various grades. We meet monthly to discuss issues relating to the school such as the budget and policy review. When the need arises we assist the principal with the interview process of prospective teachers. We also provide feedback on staff and school activities. Part of our responsibility is to bring up issues that we feel need to be addressed in the school and we are open to hear any issues that you may have noticed. However, specific issues regarding an individual student, should be taken to the teacher first and after that to Principal Messina.
The Ministry Team has a passion for this school and the children’s education. We want it to be the very best it can be. To that end, we are here for you. If you have an issue that you feel needs to be addressed, please feel free to contact us at schoolminstryteam@stpeterlcms.org.
School Ministry Team
Mark Robisky - Chairperson
Kim Miltz
Harry Pie
Lori Sesso