School Policies
The care of students at St. Peter is a priority. Policies are in place with student education in mind, for order, and to keep our students safe. You will find the parent handbook below. Communication about updates to the school handbook are published in School Notes as they occur. To view the Dress code, click below!
Parent Handbook
Intro to Parent Handbook
This Parent Handbook is intended to be of help to parents by informing them of school policies with regard to religious attitudes, academic performance, school conduct, respect, recognition, and extra -curricular activities at St. Peter Lutheran School. We urge all parents to read it carefully. Parents new to St. Peter will find this handbook a useful tool in becoming acquainted with our general educational philosophy and curriculum. We hope this handbook will also serve as a means of fostering better home and school relations. You will be informed via School Notes as updates are made to this handbook. We look forward to the continued blessings of the Lord in the training of your children with you.
Our Mission
From Our Principal
From Our Pastor
Dress Code
- Absence/Attendance Policies
- AR Requirement
- Tech Policy & Pledge
- Achievement Testing
- Accreditation
- Administration
- Admissions Policy
- Age Requirements
- Anti-bullying
- Athletic Eligibility
- Awards Policy
- Band Program
- Bathroom Independance
- Birthday Treats
- Calendar
- New Panel
Absence/Attendance Policies
When students are absent from school they miss classroom instruction, activity and teacher/student learning interactions that are difficult to recreate. Every attempt needs to be made to have your student present at school. Regular student attendance is essential for the continuity of learning. The Illinois School Code identifies components of absenteeism and truancy. Section 26 2a of the Illinois School Code lists the following as valid causes for student absences.
A. Illness, including the mental health or behavioral health of a student; B. Observance of a religious holiday;
C. Death in the immediate family or family emergency;
D. Other situations beyond control of the student; as determined by school administration; or
E. Circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent for the mental, emotional, or physical health or safety of the student.
Students who miss 5% or more of the prior 180 regular school days without valid cause (a recognized excuse) are considered chronic truants according to the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/26-2a). Students who are chronic truants will be offered support services and resources aimed at correcting the truancy issue. Alternate schooling may become a necessity to correct truancy issues.
Due to the importance of your child having regular and timely attendance and to avoid unexcused absences, parents need to be in communication with the school office to report or request extended time away from school as per the following school attendance and tardy policies.
Each classroom teacher takes class attendance daily, first thing each morning. It is important that the teacher and not a student takes attendance as this becomes a legal part of the record.
The office will keep a record of absent and tardy pupils to be used to record attendance on the report card.
The school will provide an absentee phone line. The parents are required to contact the school office to excuse their absent child. If the parents do not call with an excuse, the parent will be contacted.
At St. Peter Lutheran School, our school day starts promptly at 7:45 a.m. (or 9:00 a.m. for the late start pre-school classes). It is important that students be at school 5 to 10 minutes (minimum) prior to that time so he/she has time to prepare for the school day.
Tardiness negatively affects everyone…. teachers, classmates, and learning. More importantly, punctuality is a necessary life lesson beneficial for the students to learn.
In an effort to encourage punctuality, and to facilitate a positive learning environment for all children, the following actions may be taken in the case of excessive tardiness per trimester:
Tardy #1 – Student to fill out card in office, go to class.
Tardy #2 – Student to fill out card in office, go to class.
Tardy #3, 4, 5 – Student to fill out card in office, and go to class. A letter from the principal will also be sent home. Student will be responsible for making up any missed work. On the 5th tardy, the principal will call the family.
Tardy #6 – Same as above, plus the parent and child will be required to meet with the principal.