Cross Country
St. Peter offers Cross Country to students in 5th - 8th grade. Cross country is a fall sport led by Mr. Curt Jungkuntz.
Practices begin in late August and are typically 3 times a week. Runners are grouped into 4 teams: 5 - 6 Girls, 5 - 6 Boys, 7 - 8 Girls, and 7 - 8 Boys. If your student is interested in running, this is the sport for them!
Please email Mr. J if you have questions.
Cross Country (boys and girls grades 4-8) The students will meet in Mr. J's room (8th grade classroom) at 2:30pm and practice will end at 3:30pm on Monday and Thursday. Tuesday's practice is 3:30-4:30 (with study room available after school). We will hold a brief parent meeting before the season begins to hand out schedules and talk about the season. Fee: $20
Meet Information
2023 Season
Sep. 9 – Lombard Meet
Sep. 27 – Dundee Meet
Sept. 30 – Arlington Heights Meet
Oct. 2 – Home Meet
Oct. 10 – Yorkville Meet
Oct. 14 – State Meet (optional – registration required)
Oct. 16 – Fun Run
CC Intro
CC Schedule
Curt Jungkuntz - coach
Sarah Sundquist - athletic director