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St. Peter Lutheran School

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Middle School

  • Grades 6, 7, and 8 at St. Peter Lutheran School offer a faith-based education for adolescents. We have the opportunity to share the Good News of salvation through faith in Jesus and live as redeemed and forgiven children of God. Religious education is part of every day and every curriculum as we study the Word of God.

    St. Peter students are well-prepared for High School including AP (Advanced Placement) classes. We provide an emphasis on grammar and writing along with studies in literature. Our science program offers extensive hand-on experiential learning opportunities. Math instruction is differentiated offering assistance to below level learners and enrichment for above level learners. History classes cover world history and U.S. history with in-depth studes of the IL and U.S. Constitutions. Spanish language education is offered focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and conversational skills. Students receive physical education five days a week.

    Aside from rigorous academics we offer an outdoor education experience, an excellent band program, a contemporary vocal choir, a wide variety of athletics, and extra-curricular clubs. Our 7th and 8th grade students visit our State and National Capitals during extended field trips.

Meet Our St. Peter Middle School Teachers

Middle School Homework