Middle School
Grades 6, 7, and 8 at St. Peter Lutheran School offer a faith-based education for adolescents. We have the opportunity to share the Good News of salvation through faith in Jesus and live as redeemed and forgiven children of God. Religious education is part of every day and every curriculum as we study the Word of God.
St. Peter students are well-prepared for High School including AP (Advanced Placement) classes. We provide an emphasis on grammar and writing along with studies in literature. Our science program offers extensive hand-on experiential learning opportunities. Math instruction is differentiated offering assistance to below level learners and enrichment for above level learners. History classes cover world history and U.S. history with in-depth studes of the IL and U.S. Constitutions. Spanish language education is offered focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and conversational skills. Students receive physical education five days a week.
Aside from rigorous academics we offer an outdoor education experience, an excellent band program, a contemporary vocal choir, a wide variety of athletics, and extra-curricular clubs. Our 7th and 8th grade students visit our State and National Capitals during extended field trips.
Meet Our St. Peter Middle School Teachers
6th Grade
Ms. Sheryl Duff
Sheryl Duff's primary areas of instruction are middle school science and math.
Sheryl joined the middle school staff at St. Peter Lutheran School in Schaumburg in 2010. She serves as the sixth-grade homeroom teacher with areas of focus in middle school science and math. She is also the enrichment teacher for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.
She has served as a middle school teacher in Decatur and Wheaton before coming to St. Peter. She has also been part of the adjunct science education staffs of National Louis University and Concordia University in Mequon, Wisconsin.
Sheryl has a master’s degree in science education from National Louis University. She is a member of the National Science Teachers’ Association. She also serves on the district’s curriculum writing team.
Sheryl was recognized as the Middle School Educator of the Year at the Northern IL District Teacher's Conference in October 2017.
Degrees and Certifications: Licensed by the State of Illinois
7th Grade
Mr. Curt Jungkuntz
Curt Jungkuntz has been in Lutheran education all his life. He is the grandson of a Lutheran pastor, the son of Lutheran educators, and the husband of a Lutheran teacher. Curt has served the Church as youth director and teacher since 1989. He’s been teaching at St. Peter in Schaumburg since 2003. Currently Curt teaches 8th grade Religion, 6-7-8 History, 8th Grade Literature and assorted math classes. Curt loves spending time with his wife, Sandy; being outside; and playing guitar.
Phone: (847) 885-3350 x 241
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
Certified Teacher Grades 6-12
Middle School Endorsement
Licensed by the State of Illinois
8th Grade
Mrs. Elizbieta Andriescu
Mrs. Elizbieta Andriescu is the 7th homeroom teacher and middle school English teacher.
Ela Andriescu received her Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Education from State Higher Professional School in Krosno, Poland and her Master’s of Arts in Education from North Park University in Chicago, Il. Ela has been with St. Peter since 2021, first as a substitute teacher and currently as a 7th grade Math and English teacher. She lives in Schaumburg with her husband and three children. In her free time, she loves reading, being outdoors, playing board games and traveling.
Physical Educaton
Teacher Degrees
6th Grade Curriculum
Middle School Curriculum
Religion 6th grade: Students are introduced to Luther’s Small Catechism. The catechism focus is on the Ten Commandments and how the commandments point to our need for Jesus, our Savior, as well as how they teach us how to live. Students also read and discuss several books of the Bible and apply their readings to their daily lives. Readings in the Gospels remind students of God’s love for them. Memory assignments are given weekly and cover much of Luther’s Small Catechism as well as Bible verses.
Math: Mathematics education is differentiated in the Middle School; students are placed into grade-level math courses or accelerated math courses. Students who complete the grade-level math courses are well prepared for Algebra 1 as High School freshmen. Students who complete the accelerated math courses are well prepared to enter sophomore level mathematics in High School.
Science: Middle School Science curriculum follows the Next Generation Science Standards. Students learn and practice the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conduct experiments, analyze data, and solve problems. Students investigate God’s world through the principles and interconnections of the Life, Physical, and Earth/Space sciences. Instruction encourages students to learn not only the “content,” but also to apply the content to their daily lives, their society, and the world in which they live.
English: In English, Middle School students learn study skills, grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and basic essay form. Students learn to express themselves through descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive writing.
Literature: Students read a wide variety of short stories, non-fiction, poems, dramas, and novels. Reading comprehension and analysis of story or poetic elements are stressed. Independent reading for enjoyment and practice is encouraged through the Accelerated Reader Program.
Vocabulary: Grade level vocabulary workbooks are used in a systematic way to improve vocabulary skills in the Middle School. Students are tested after each unit as well as in cumulative tests.
Social Studies: Students in 6th grade study world geography from prehistoric times through the Renaissance.
Art: Middle School students learn the core concepts of art while completing projects that encourage their creativity and their unique personality. Students will gain a basic understanding of the different elements and principles of art through purposeful projects using various mediums. They will also grow in their appreciation and awareness of how art is used in various settings.
Music: General Music is the study of music performance, theory, history, and technology used to create music. Students learn musical concepts, instruments of the orchestra, composers, singing, and classical listening skills. These experiences are intended to equip students with musical skills appropriate for their age, and to instill in them an interest in music.
Physical Education: Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will use physical education knowledge and concepts to enhance life through activity. Students will perform skills efficiently in a variety of leisure activities, sports, creative movement, and work-related activities. They will demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative motor patterns. Students will demonstrate sports skills that will enable students to lead a more active lifestyle including team and individual activities. Students will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.
7th Grade Curriculum
Middle School Curriculum
Religion 7th grade: Students work through the One in Christ series and review the Bible along with related truths. Memory assignments are given weekly and cover much of Luther’s Small Catechism as well as other Bible verses. Students also cover the basics of Lutheranism.
Religion 8th grade: Students complete a discipleship study, discovery of our Spiritual gifts, and a study of world religions. Memory assignments from the Bible are given weekly and include an explanation of the Law, Gospel and a personal application.
Math: Mathematics education is differentiated in the Middle School; students are placed into grade-level math courses or accelerated math courses. Students who complete the grade-level math courses are well prepared for Algebra 1 as High School freshmen. Students who complete the accelerated math courses are well prepared to enter sophomore level mathematics in High School.
Science: Middle School Science curriculum follows the Next Generation Science Standards. Students learn and practice the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conduct experiments, analyze data, and solve problems. Students investigate God’s world through the principles and interconnections of the Life, Physical, and Earth/Space sciences. Instruction encourages students to learn not only the “content,” but also to apply the content to their daily lives, their society, and the world in which they live.
English: In English, Middle School students learn study skills, grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and basic essay form. Students learn to express themselves through descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive writing.
Literature: Students read a wide variety of short stories, non-fiction, poems, dramas, and novels. Reading comprehension and analysis of story or poetic elements are stressed. Independent reading for enjoyment and practice is encouraged through the Accelerated Reader Program.
Vocabulary: Grade level vocabulary workbooks are used in a systematic way to improve vocabulary skills in the Middle School. Students are tested after each unit as well as in cumulative tests.
Social Studies: Students in 7th grade study U.S. History from European exploration to the Civil War.
Art: Middle School students learn the core concepts of art while completing projects that encourage their creativity and their unique personality. Students will gain a basic understanding of the different elements and principles of art through purposeful projects using various mediums. They will also grow in their appreciation and awareness of how art is used in various settings.
Music: General Music is the study of music performance, theory, history, and technology used to create music. Students learn musical concepts, instruments of the orchestra, composers, singing, and classical listening skills. These experiences are intended to equip students with musical skills appropriate for their age, and to instill in them an interest in music.
Physical Education: Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will use physical education knowledge and concepts to enhance life through activity. Students will perform skills efficiently in a variety of leisure activities, sports, creative movement, and work-related activities. They will demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative motor patterns. Students will demonstrate sports skills that will enable students to lead a more active lifestyle including team and individual activities. Students will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.
8th Grade Curriculum
Middle School Curriculum
Religion 8th grade: Students complete a discipleship study, discovery of our Spiritual gifts, and a study of world religions. Memory assignments from the Bible are given weekly and include an explanation of the Law, Gospel and a personal application.
Math: Mathematics education is differentiated in the Middle School; students are placed into grade-level math courses or accelerated math courses. Students who complete the grade-level math courses are well prepared for Algebra 1 as High School freshmen. Students who complete the accelerated math courses are well prepared to enter sophomore level mathematics in High School.
Science: Middle School Science curriculum follows the Next Generation Science Standards. Students learn and practice the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conduct experiments, analyze data, and solve problems. Students investigate God’s world through the principles and interconnections of the Life, Physical, and Earth/Space sciences. Instruction encourages students to learn not only the “content,” but also to apply the content to their daily lives, their society, and the world in which they live.
English: In English, Middle School students learn study skills, grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and basic essay form. Students learn to express themselves through descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive writing.
Literature: Students read a wide variety of short stories, non-fiction, poems, dramas, and novels. Reading comprehension and analysis of story or poetic elements are stressed. Independent reading for enjoyment and practice is encouraged through the Accelerated Reader Program.
Vocabulary: Grade level vocabulary workbooks are used in a systematic way to improve vocabulary skills in the Middle School. Students are tested after each unit as well as in cumulative tests.
Social Studies: Students in 8th grade continue their study of U.S. History from the Civil War to modern times. Middle School students not only learn the facts of history, but also have the opportunity to evaluate historical situations.
Art: Middle School students learn the core concepts of art while completing projects that encourage their creativity and their unique personality. Students will gain a basic understanding of the different elements and principles of art through purposeful projects using various mediums. They will also grow in their appreciation and awareness of how art is used in various settings.
Music: General Music is the study of music performance, theory, history, and technology used to create music. Students learn musical concepts, instruments of the orchestra, composers, singing, and classical listening skills. These experiences are intended to equip students with musical skills appropriate for their age, and to instill in them an interest in music.
Physical Education: Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will use physical education knowledge and concepts to enhance life through activity. Students will perform skills efficiently in a variety of leisure activities, sports, creative movement, and work-related activities. They will demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative motor patterns. Students will demonstrate sports skills that will enable students to lead a more active lifestyle including team and individual activities. Students will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.