St. Peter Lutheran School has a tradition of excellence in Christian education in a Christian climate of caring and acceptance since 1847. A successful school does not work in isolation. When parents and teachers work together, the result is academically rich, spiritually alive, emotionally healthy and physically strong students. Building on a solid academic core, our school provides children with activities and experiences that stimulate curiosity and lifelong learning.
We strive to be Christ centered, academically strong and respectfully operated. We have three main goals:
- To share the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
- To assist students to use and develop their God given gifts and abilities to their fullest potential as they learn about themselves and the world in which we live.
- To have fun learning!
We are blessed to be fully recognized by the State of Illinois and fully accredited by National Lutheran School Accrediation (NLSA). Area high schools know our students well and the reputation we have earned for excellence.
Registration for the 2025/2026 school year begins in January 2025!
Meet Our St. Peter Elementary Teachers
Teacher Degrees
We know that St. Peter families seek the very best for their children, St. Peter elementary classes are a foundational experience for our students' social, emotional, academic, and spiritual growth. All our Elementary Teachers are licensed in Illinois and hold a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education.
1st Grade
Miss Stephanie Lamberty
Stephanie Lamberty graduated from Concordia University Chicago in the fall of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. She first came to St. Peter as a student teacher in the fifth-grade classroom for the first half of the 2020-2021 school year and then continued on as a substitute.
In addition to being in the classroom, Stephanie also spends a lot of time in the gym. She played softball and volleyball in elementary and high school. She also coached volleyball, basketball, and track and field at St. Paul Canfield.
Degrees and Certifications: Licensed by the State of Illinois
Phone: 847-885-3350
2nd Grade
Ms. Cindy Oleson
Cindy Oleson has been teaching in Lutheran Schools since 1987. She spent many of those years teaching first and second grade. After spending 20 years as Assistant Principal and four years as Admissions Director, she is currently back in the classroom teaching second grade.
Cindy taught at St. John Lutheran in Roselle from 1987-1989 and at St. Peter in Schaumburg from 1989 to the present.
Cindy obtained her BA degree in 1987; her MA in Reading Instruction in 1997; and her Administrative Type 75 in 2009 all from Concordia University in River Forest, IL.
Degrees and Certifications:
BA in Elementary Education
MA in Reading Instruction
Type 75 in School Administration
Licensed by the State of Illinois
Phone: 847-885-3350
3rd Grade
Mrs. Sandy Jungkuntz
Sandy Jungkuntz has been teaching third grade at St. Peter since her graduation from Concordia University in River Forest, IL in 1990 where she earned her bachelor's degree and subsequent master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Sandy directs the Sonshine and Chosen Choirs (grades 4-8). In her free time, Sandy enjoys traveling and being outside.
Degrees and Certifications:
Licensed by the State of Illinois,
Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education,
Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction
Phone: 847-885-3350
4th Grade
Mrs. Cindy Allor - 4th Grade
Hi, my name is Cindy Allor. I am looking forward to being the new fourth grade teacher at St. Peter. My husband and I live in Wood Dale with our dog, Louie. I have attended Concordia University Chicago for my undergraduate and two masters degrees. My masters is in Curriculum and Instruction and Reading. I have taught a variety of grade levels from First through Eighth Grade. Helping students grow is what gives me joy as a teacher.
When I am not teaching, I enjoy reading, cooking, biking, and learning to play pickleball. Looking forward to seeing you in the Fall.
Joy In His Service,
Cindy Allor
Degrees and Certifications:
Licensed by the State of Illinois
Phone: 847-885-3350
5th Grade
Mrs. Nadia Ritter
Nadia Ritter has been teaching in Lutheran Schools since 2009. Most of her experience has been teaching grades 5-8. Nadia received her BA degree at Concordia University, Chicago. She has been teaching at St. Peter since 2014. In her spare time she enjoys country line dancing, outdoor recreation, crafting, and spending time with family and friends.
Degrees and Certifications:
Licensed by the State of Illinois
BA in Elementary Education
Phone: 847-885-3350
- 1st Grade Curriculum
- 2nd Grade Curriculum
- 3rd Grade Curriculum
- 4th Grade Curriculum
- 5th Grade Curriculum
1st Grade Curriculum
Grade One Curriculum
The One in Christ curriculum by Concordia Publishing House emphasizes our relationship with God and others. Students are given a survey of the Old and New Testaments as they are presented in a chronological fashion. God's love for all people and His free gift of Salvation is taught consistently. Students have prayer and devotion time with their classmates as well as Chapel time. Parents are strongly encouraged to set the example of worship at home.
Memory work consists of weekly verses, the Lord's Prayer and the Apostle's Creed. Music, role-play and art activities support and supplement the lessons and worship. Various church workers, including Pastors, visit the students to discuss their calls and roles in the church. Students are encouraged to join in outreach activities to celebrate and share their faith with others.
The Common Core Math Curriculum is taught with the support of the Houghton Mifflin Go Math series. The series emphasizes essential questions and big ideas with depth of understanding and strategies as the goal. Students are given a variety of experiences to help them gain understanding by moving from the concrete to the abstract. They learn different strategies for problem solving and computation to increase their understanding. By the end of the year, they learn to add and subtract 2-digit numbers; recognize and extend patterns; explain place value to the hundredth place; identify, compare and describe plane and solid geometric shapes; interpret and use graphs and tables; and use measurement to compare objects.
The Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading series is used to support our Common Core Curriculum in first grade. The series builds a deep understanding of key domains and topics within a single lesson, across a grade, and across the program. Students read complex informational texts and build domain specific vocabulary for college and career readiness.
The Common Core Standards are taught through the support of the Houghton Mifflin Language series. Oral and written language are incorporated into the Common Core Curriculum. Emphasis is placed on writing in a legible, coherent and grammatically correct fashion. Students learn to work through the writing process.
Students are given daily journal writing practice as well as contributing to class books. They are also given the opportunity to make oral presentations to their peers, thus enabling the rest of the class to practice good listening and questioning skills.
Spelling lists are generated from the word families that are taught in the Reading lessons and reinforced in the Phonics lessons. The words progress from short vowels through long vowel spelling patterns. They also include consonant blends and digraphs. Students are expected to use the words correctly in their writing
The D'Nealian handwriting program is used. It is designed with a continuous stroke to allow an easy transition from manuscript to cursive handwriting. Students are encouraged to self-evaluate as they learn to write legibly and consistently.
The Houghton Mifflin Series entitled "Discovery Works" is the text for first grade Science lesson. The topics include Kinds of Living Things, Weather and Seasons, Magnets, and Earth's Land and Water. Lessons incorporate a combination of hands-on activities with the use of textbooks and written responses. Health is also taught.
Social Studies
The program is based on the Mac-Millan/McGraw Hill series, "People and Places." Students learn about themselves and their world beginning with families and moving to our state and nation. They learn about similarities and differences in homes and communities. They learn early American history and state and national leaders.
Physical Education
Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will demonstrate control when performing locomotor and manipulative skills. Students will perform combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns. The child will understand the concepts of space, time, and force related to movement. They will demonstrate knowledge of rules, safety and strategies during physical activity. The students will demonstrate competency in fundamental ball skills. The students will participate in individual and team sports. The students will acquire socially desirable traits and cooperate successfully with others. The child will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.
Students are exposed to various educational games in order to build basic technology skills as well as providing support for classroom instruction. Students are introduced to the Microsoft Office Suite and typing skills are introduced. Additionally, students are taught about cyber safety as they begin to explore the internet. Students also use technology to help them research.
The Music Curriculum is supported through a series entitled "God Made Music" published by Praise Hymn. Students explore various musical elements as they strengthen their knowledge of our loving God and Savior. Additionally, students learn to appreciate music and its role in their lives.
The elementary Spanish program focus is on oral communication. Students repeat words, follow simple commands, ask and answer questions, and write in the target language. Students also sing songs and play review games to reinforce vocabulary. In the lower grades students practice their numbers, colors, greetings, and actions.
Children are encouraged to respond to literature by discovering and implementing different techniques and materials used by the different illustrators. The focus is the process rather than a perfectly finished product. Students are also introduced to some of the great artists and their art.
2nd Grade Curriculum
Grade Two Curriculum
Religion The Concordia Publishing House One in Christ curriculum forms the framework of second grade religion instruction. Through the study of Bible stories in the Old and New Testament, second graders learn how God touched the lives of people long ago, and how He is a vital part of our lives today. Memory Work consists of twice weekly Bible verses as well as the Apostles Creed each day. Chapel is held once a week on Wednesdays for all students. Our Christian faith is expressed throughout the day in other areas of the curriculum not just during Religion class.
Math The Common Core Math Curriculum is taught with the support of the Houghton Mifflin Go Math series. There is a great deal of hands-on learning as well as problem solving. Children work on memorizing addition and subtraction facts as well as learn to count money, measure, use tables/graphs and work with fractions. They also work on double/triple digit addition/subtraction with regrouping. By the end of second grade, students will learn the concepts of multiplication.
Reading The Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading Series is used to support our Common Core Reading Curriculum in second grade. A phonetic based program is used to teach students to read. We use phonics, sight words and picture and context clues to teach the students to read. The children are taught basic comprehension and critical thinking strategies such as sequencing, predictions, inferences, cause-effect, and comparing/contrasting. The students also have the opportunity to read books on our Accelerated Reader list and take an on-line comprehension test. They are able to earn points, and use these points to purchase prizes.
Language The Common Core Standards are taught through the support of the Houghton Mifflin Language Series. Language is incorporated continuously throughout each day as children write, speak and read. Second grade students learn to identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and learn to use them correctly when speaking and writing. They also learn correct punctuation and capitalization through various curricular activities. The students have formal writing class twice a week in which they learn about various types of writing and then put that knowledge into use through the writing of descriptive paragraphs, poetry, narrative writing, expository writing, etc.
Spelling The Common Core Spelling lessons follow a controlled phonetic program with the goal of allowing students to analyze unfamiliar words to find useful clues in sight words, to sort words into spelling patterns, and to recognize and memorize words with phonetic irregularities.
Handwriting The D'Nealian Handwriting continuous stroke method is used to create an easy transition from manuscript to cursive. Manuscript is reinforced from first grade and all cursive letters are learned by the end of second grade.
Science The second grade Science Curriculum is supported through the use of STEMscopes. This is a comprehensive, online curriculum aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. Through the use of many hands-on activities, and inquiry based learning, the students explore the needs of plants and animals, learn about the changes to the earth, study the earth's landforms and water and study the properties and states of matter. Health is also taught to the students during the week with topics such as muscular/skeletal systems, nutrition and safety, etc. being explored.
Social Studies Social Studies in Second Grade is taught through the support of Macmillan/McGraw Hill Social Studies series. The students spend a good deal of time on community. The students also learn some geography, history and all about work.
Physical Education Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will demonstrate control when performing locomotor and manipulative skills. Students will perform combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns. The child will understand the concepts of space, time, and force related to movement. They will demonstrate knowledge of rules, safety and strategies during physical activity. The students will participate in individual and team sports and group exercise that will require them to move skillfully and effectively. The students will acquire socially desirable traits and cooperate successfully with others. The child will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.
Technology The primary focus of technology classes at St. Peter is to equip the student with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly complex technological society. Young students are exposed to various educational games in order to build basic computer skills as well as providing support for regular classroom instruction. Students continue to learn about Microsoft Office Suite with an emphasis on Word. Students also continue to develop their typing skills. Additionally, students are taught about cyber safety as they explore the internet.
Music The Music Curriculum is supported through a series entitled "God Made Music" published by Praise Hymn.. Students explore various musical elements as they strengthen their knowledge of our loving God and Savior. Students learn to read, write and perform music while at the same time deepening their understanding of the role music plays in their lives.
Spanish The focus of the elementary Spanish program is on oral communication. Students repeat words after the teacher, follow simple commands, ask and answer questions, and write in the target language. Students also sing songs and play review games to reinforce vocabulary. Throughout the lower grades students practice their numbers, colors, greetings and actions. As much as is possible, the Spanish lessons incorporate content knowledge and vocabulary from what is currently being studied in the core curriculum classes.
Art In second grade Art is taught once a week with a focus on line, shape, color and perspective. A number of different artists are also studied and projects are developed based on the style of that particular artist. A variety of medium are used to give the students a wide variety of experiences.
3rd Grade Curriculum
Grade Three Curriculum
The Concordia Publishing One in Christ” series is followed. Students will learn how to use God’s word to answer many of life’s questions. Memory is done on Tuesdays and Fridays and students should be able to recite their memory out loud (including the Bible reference). The books of the Bible will also be memorized.
The Common Core Math Curriculum is taught with the support of the Houghton Mifflin Go Math series. Students will be learning more difficult addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as time, interpreting data, measurement, fractions, geometry, and more. Math fact mastery is very important with facts being practiced daily.
The Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading series is used to support our Common Core Reading Curriculum in third grade. Phonics, vocabulary, reading skills, writing and grammar correlate with the stories read each week. Other supplemental activities are also done throughout the year to practice skills and comprehension.
The Common Core Standards are taught through the support of the Houghton Mifflin Language series. Writing (composition) is a major emphasis. The parts of speech and grammar rules are often highlighted. Grammar practice is done daily by correcting sentences as a whole class.
The Common Core Standards Spelling lessons follow the reading stories each week. Students are given a pretest on Mondays. Workbook pages are assigned and students may have an extra assignment to complete using the same words. Tests are usually on Fridays.
Basic manuscript is reviewed and practiced prior to reviewing cursive handwriting. Students can choose to write in cursive or print after these reviews are complete.
The Science curriculum includes major units on the systems of the body, energy, our solar system, and water. We also have a separate Health text which enhances our Science curriculum and encourages students to make wise choices for living a healthy lifestyle.
Social Studies
We will be learning about communities. We will also learn much about the culture and geography of our world during our theme units.
Physical Education
Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will demonstrate control when performing locomotor and manipulative skills. Students will perform combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games, and sports. They will demonstrate knowledge of rules, safety and strategies during physical activity. The students will demonstrate competency in fundamental ball skills. They will participate in individual and team sports and group exercise that will require them to move skillfully and effectively. The students will acquire socially desirable traits and cooperate successfully with others. They will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.
Students will use a variety of technology to enhance their learning experience.
Students will learn a variety of types of music, learn to appreciate music, and discover more about musical instruments.
A variety of projects and materials will be completed throughout the year. Art projects often correspond to themes or lessons we are doing in other subject areas.
Theme Units
There are a few involved theme units that your child will experience through the year. This is when all the areas of the curriculum are tied into one theme. The major theme units this year are on the rain forest, space, chocolate, and oceans. A "mini" theme unit is where I sprinkle activities related to a certain theme throughout a week or a few days. Students may have the opportunity to vote on these topics.
4th Grade Curriculum
5th Grade Curriculum
Grade Five Curriculum
The fifth grade Religion curriculum begins with an overview of the Bible's main teaching. The majority of fifth grade is spent studying different topics related to the six chief parts of Lutheran doctrine. Fifth graders spend a good deal of time reading from their Bibles while learning the stories. During the seasons of Advent and Lent, they will review the life of Christ.. In October, 5th graders study Martin Luther. Each day begins with devotions. The class will prepare and participate in a chapel service and sing twice in church.
The Common Core Math Curriculum is taught with the support of the Houghton Mifflin Go Math series. Students begin with a short review on place value and then jump into working with decimals. Fifth graders also learn about algebra, graphing,, and data. They learn to multiply and divide whole number and decimals. They study number theory {i.e. primes, composites, greatest common factor, least common multiplies, and exponents) as well as fractions. Algebra and geometry concepts are expanded upon with a focus on problem solving. Students study a unit on measurement, using both the customary and metric system. Finally, students study ratio, percent, and probability.
The Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading Series is used to support our Common Core Reading Curriculum in fifth grade. Decoding skills, comprehension thinking skills, reference and study skills, and exposure to a variety of literature forms (i.e. non-fiction, narratives, historical fiction, biography, autobiography, and fantasy) are all part of the fifth grade curriculum. In addition, the class will read 2 or 3 novels during the year.
The Common Core Standards in Language are taught with the support of the Houghton Mifflin Language Series. The curriculum includes English, Writing, and Phonics, expanding the fifth graders use of grammar and mechanics and the various parts of speech. Fifth graders will also learn to use the writing process to complete various types of compositions: narratives, tall tales, character sketches, poetry, and research reports.
The Common Core Spelling lessons follow a pattern (i.e. compound words, verb & consonant patterns, or words ending in "ed" or "ing" based on the reading story for that week. Other spelling lists are added for holidays or from the novels being read. The students take a weekly pretest and a final test at the end of the week.
Handwriting is taught once a week, using the D'Nealian style. Lessons are taken from a workbook. Students also practice using the Bible, novels, or textbooks.
The Science curriculum is split into 7 units: Plants, Solar System & Beyond; Energy, Work & Machines (the class will learn about simple and complex machines); Populations & Ecosystems (students have the opportunity to dissect owl pellets); The Solid Earth (a study of rocks & minerals); Light & Sound; and Movement & Control (how our bodies work). A Sex Education unit will take place at the end of the year. Health is also a part of the Science curriculum. Each trimester we incorporate a large STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) unit.
Social Studies
After a quick review of map usage, the fifth graders begin their study of the United States and its’ history with the original inhabitants and the arrival of European explorers. Then their year follows our country's growth from the original colonies to the United States' place in the world today. Students will also take some time to study their neighbors: Canada, Mexico, Central, and South America.
Physical Education
Students will understand that their body is a gift from God. They will demonstrate control when performing locomotor and manipulative skills. Students will perform combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games, and sports. They will understand the concepts of space, time and force related to movement. They will demonstrate knowledge of rules, safety and strategies during physical activity. The students will demonstrate competency in fundamental ball skills. They will participate in group exercise, individual and team sports and group exercise that will require them to move skillfully and effectively. The students will acquire socially desirable traits and cooperate successfully with others. They will develop an interest and desire to participate in lifelong fitness.
The primary focus of technology classes at St. Peter is to equip the student with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly complex technological society. Students continue to learn about the Microsoft Office Suite. Students also continue to develop touch typing skills. Additionally, students are taught about cyber safety as they explore the internet.
The Music curriculum is supported through a series entitled "God Made Music". In this series, students will explore various musical elements as they strengthen their knowledge of our loving God and Savior. Students learn to read, write, and perform music, while at the same time, deepening their understanding of the role music plays in their lives.
Fifth grade Spanish is an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. Students begin level la which will be continued in sixth grade. Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to practice the vocabulary and grammar concepts through written, spoken, and listening activities.
The Art curriculum teaches basic art skills. The fifth graders will learn about line and shape, color and value, texture, and space, as they draw, color, paint, and sculpt. Students will be introduced to many different artists and their pieces and see examples of principles of design.